Polo Vivo continues to lead South African passenger car sales market
The Polo Vivo maintained its long-standing reign at the top of the South African new passenger car sales market last month. The best-selling car in the country for April, the Polo Vivo sold 2762 units, followed, once again, by the fifth-generation Polo, of which 2160 found homes last month. The performance by the popular models contributed to the strengthening of Volkswagen Group South Africa’s leadership position in the country’s car market last month with sales of 8463 units and a market share of 24.6 per cent.
The Polo Vivo was launched in March 2010 as an entry-level model for the South African market, replacing the Series 1 Golf-based CitiGolf, and is available as a three or five-door hatchback and four-door booted saloon with 74bhp/84bhp 1.4-litre and 103bhp 1.6-litre petrol engines. Costing from R111,900 for the base-model 1.4 hatchback to R161,100 for the top 1.6 Polo Maxx, the 2013 Polo Vivo is based on the revised version of the Series 4 Polo (9N3), built from 2005 to 2009. The fifth-generation Polo (6R) is available as both a three and five-door hatchback, in addition to the four-door Polo Sedan.
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